The difference between Poaching and HeadHunting

It’s important to know the difference between poaching and headhunting. With unemployment at its lowest in more than 13 years, there’s not a lot of job seekers in our market that are actively applying for job advertisements.

So, what are the creative new recruitment strategies we can start to try? There’s a range, but the most effective are when businesses are approaching candidates rather than the other way around.

This is a hot topic recently and the question is always being asked – is it okay to Headhunt people? The short answer (in our opinion) is absolutely, yes.

But is it okay to poach people? Absolutely not. It’s important to know the difference between the two.

What is Poaching?

Poaching is unsolicited contact with an industry professional or employee of another business, where they have not indicated or provided evidence that they are open to hearing about new opportunities.

In 2022, many people have their own professional social media channels where they promote their makeovers or before and afters in order to generate new clientele. While their work may be outstanding and exactly what your salon or clinic needs, it’s not okay to approach that person.

The same goes when attending industry networking events. Unless that person has indicated that they are open to new opportunities, it’s not appropriate to be asking them to come and work for you!

How is that different to HeadHunting?

HeadHunting means using various strategies to actively approach people that have indicated they are open to new opportunities or have previously indicated that they would like to work for you.

Right now, if a candidate has the right qualification, chances are they are working. Working people are often time poor and updating their CV, writing a new cover letter, and submitting a formal application, is just not on their radar.

To make it easier for them, candidates can mark themselves as ‘open to new opportunities’ on LinkedIn and optimise their profiles to be visible to industry specific recruiters.

They can also use job advertising platforms like HeadHunter and SEEK to upload their profile so that businesses or recruiters can view their previous experience and actively approach them for new opportunities.

These candidates have chosen to make themselves visible for new opportunities and therefore Hairdressing and Beauty industries need to be taking advantage of their ‘availability’.

Why should I try HeadHunting?

Other industries have been using headhunting strategies to recruit for years. It has become the norm, to the point where they don’t even use traditional advertising strategies anymore. There are entire recruitment agencies set up around finding people for specialist positions that require a specific skill. Hairdressing and Beauty are quickly moving into the same arena.

People who are currently using ethical HeadHunting strategies in the Hairdressing & Beauty industries are one step ahead of what is going to be the norm in the very near future.

How do I start?

If you are a candidate and would like to upload your resume and become available for businesses to view head to –

If you’d like to review candidates on HeadHunter, you just need to have a position actively advertised with us. Packages are listed here –

Reach out to our recruiter directly – if you need a hand!

Keep up to date with the latest in employment and recruitment in the hair and beauty industries at the HeadHunter blog.