Being a Sales Representative in the hair industry

Careers in the hair industry go beyond simply working in a salon as a stylist. In this blog we will discuss what’s involved in being a Sales Representative in the hair industry.

Sales representatives in the hair industry are charged with keeping stylists, colourists and salon owners informed about manufacturers’ products and selling those products in quantity. Sales representatives are responsible for promoting and selling products and services to retail and wholesale outlets, businesses and industry professionals.

Savvy, driven, goal-orientated and persuasive, Sales Representatives establish and maintain relationships with key figures to create awareness of the brand they represent, sell as many units as possible and deepen or broaden their reach to generate further sales.

The tasks and duties of a sales representative:

  • Visiting clients to demonstrate products and answer questions
  • Taking orders from clients
  • Training Sales Consultants
  • Scheduling regular visits and appointments with clients
  • Networking and cold-calling to broaden the number of buyers
  • Setting, quoting and negotiating prices and terms and drawing up contracts
  • Attending trade shows and giving demonstrations, coordinate product displays and hand out samples
  • Reporting and working to sales targets
  • Maintaining a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) database

What experience do I need being a sales representative in the hair industry?

Employers want to know you understand the customer you will be selling to. This is why ex-hairdressers often make great sales representatives, as they know what salons and their clients need and want to make the guest experience its best. Knowledge of hair products, treatments and tools will help you sell hair care products more easily.

It’s also an advantage if you have prior sales experience. Working in retail, wholesale or other selling environments to learn how to sell products and services to all types of people will hold you in good stead. Expand your sales education by completing courses in sales negotiation, closing sales deals and communicating with customers.

What traits make a good sales representative?

Communication Skills

Sales is basically all-day communication. You need to know how to communicate with each person you are selling to as everyone responds in different ways. Using jargon that is hard to understand is a great way to turn off a potential customer, so it’s important that you know how to express your ideas in a way that everyone will understand.


A great salesperson needs to be passionate about what they do and have a drive to be successful. Without it, a salesperson will fail. But, the incentive to make money usually isn’t enough for a person to be successful in sales—they also must have the drive to be the best on their team, to “win over” new customers and to continually make lasting impressions on clients.


Sales is usually more than just a one-time meeting with a client. Instead, it may take multiple meetings, coffees, and lunches before a person commits to what you are selling. A good salesperson never gives up their end goal and remains committed throughout the entire process. They must be committed to reaching a customer, no matter what it takes or how long it takes to get there.


Similar to commitment, a good sales person must also have a great deal of patience. Depending on what you are trying to sell, it may take some time to convince a customer to commit. Many people will back away from someone who is too pushy or requiring immediate feedback. A talented sales person will be able to read this type of person and give them the time and space they need to make a final decision.


One that may not be as prevalent is empathy. Being able to relate to a customer is the best way to sell them something. If you truly understand their needs, it will be much easier to convince them that they need your product or service. Having empathy towards your customers is also a great way to ensure lasting relationships rather than one-off sales.

How do I start?

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