On the eleventh week of Christmas, my recruiter gave to me – Surviving the week before Christmas!

As the year comes to a close, things actually ramp up for our industry as we enter arguably the BIGGEST two weeks of the year. Surviving the two weeks before Christmas could be likened to any main character surviving the full Game of Thrones series – the odds are stacked against you.

But with some proper preparation, and some good choices, you might just enjoy the next couple of weeks!

Our tips for employees to survive the season:

Wear good quality, comfortable footwear

Now is not the time to be breaking out your favourite pair of pumps. Tis’ the season for comfort and if that means wearing an ugly pair of black Sketchers to save your feet and your back, do it!

Get a solid amount of rest

No, scrolling tik tok for 3 hours after finishing an evening shift does not count as rest! This time of year, sleep is essential. Being tired at work when you aren’t busy is awful, but being tired when you have a fully booked column is just downright horrific.

H20’s the way to go

Multiple coffee’s and red bulls – tempting, but not ideal. Drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated when you’re standing all day, generally in the heat, is the only way to make sure you don’t feel like a dehydrated, shrivelled-up, headachey prune by the end of your shift, so drink up!

Here’s our tips for business owners and managers to help the team (and you!) survive:

Make sure lunch breaks are scheduled

One way to guarantee cranky, worn out staff? No rest and no food. Scheduling rest and lunch breaks into the day is the only way to make sure that your team have the guaranteed downtime.

Shout them lunch once a week

The team are usually going above and beyond during the silly season, and it’s SO KIND and thoughtful when managers go above and beyond in return. Having a lunch spread every now and then means that the team don’t have to run out to buy lunch, or meal prep in the morning, maximising their rest time. They’ll no doubt appreciate the gesture!

Have FUN!

Don’t be grinchy! Get the festive vibes going, Christmas music, decorations etc. It’s not all about the festivities though. It’s amazing how showing some regular verbal appreciation can lift a teams mood and keep them going through a tough shift. Encouraging words of affirmation and appreciation is all a part of the Christmas spirit!

Good luck, and enjoy!